Is it All Right to Date More than One Person you meet from Online Dating at Once?

Ah, we’re playing the online dating field now. Gotten so popular that you just have to schedule those dates two or three in a row on the same night? Hey, I think we all have a little fantasy about being so desirable that we have to fight off potential mates with a stick. There’s nothing wrong with keeping your options open during the earliest part of any relationship from a singles online dating website like Victoria hearts. 

I think there’s a bit of an understanding that if you are talking with someone online, you may also be talking with a couple or more other people. That is until you let dating a narcissist that certain someone knows that you intend to make this online dating relationship serious. Even if you meet with someone you met online for drinks it’s usually more casual and implies no serious attachment at the current moment.

The tricky part comes in, and this is where most people end up getting into trouble, when you’ve been dating more than one certain someone’s for several weeks and neglecting to mention it in casual conversation. The ability to reasonably date more than dating my daughter rules one person at a time is usually limited to a very small timeframe early on in the relationship. Maybe three or four dates before you should probably;

A) Open your piehole and say I’m seeing a couple of other people until I know our relationship is the right one.  Is that okay with you?

B) I want to make our relationship more committed because I really like you. Are you into Monogamy with me?    

If you delay on either one of these options you may be in for a world of A) Hassle or B) Hurt later on.  It’s okay to date more than one person early on, but for your online dating sake narrow it down to one person or let everyone know that you are being more casual in your dating agenda. For more browse our website: Lovingfeel

